Monday, August 9, 2010

Taylor Momsen “I’m Not A Whore For Using Vibrator”

Oh this little chick is one ballsy 17 year-old. Or at least she wants you to believe she is.
Taylor Momsen wants desperately to be known for her “I don’t give a s**t” attitude,
but because she is so young it just really bothers people. It would be awkward to hear a grown woman talking about her relationship with her vibrator…it’s really creepy to hear a teenager discussing it.

“I’m not a whore for masturbating, so f*** you if you want to call me one,” Momsen says. “I think women should equally be allowed to pleasure themselves as much as men. I think that if that has any more controversy than a man talking about pleasuring himself, then there’s something wrong with the world.”

She also recently slammed the Catholic church during a New Zealand radio interview making jokes that she slept with priests while growing up Catholic.

“I was raised Catholic,” Momsen said. “I f***ed a priest once — I’m just kidding.”


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