Monday, August 2, 2010

Charlie Sheen May Escape Jail in Plea Deal

Stogie Smoker
The Charlie Sheen saga is about to come to an end, and sources connected to the case say a plea deal is almost done that will ensure he does not do time.How did he swing such a sweet arrangement when just a few months ago, he was looking at at least 30 days behind bars, then a work-release program?
Somewhere, Lindsay Lohan wishes she hired Yale Galanter.
Yale, Charlie's lawyer, is hammering out a deal with prosecutors in which two options are still on the table, but neither includes jail time or much probation.

The judicial system at its finest, ladies and gentlemen.

SMOKE 'EM IF YOU GOT 'EM: Charlie will stay a free man.

It gets better for Sheen. He'll plead to a misdemeanor, not a felony, and we'll get our fill of Two and a Half Men quotes - his work schedule won't be effected!

Charlie is en route to Aspen, Colo., where the incident with Brooke Muelleroccurred. He and Galanter will meet with prosecutors before going to court.

If they cannot strike a deal, both sides will ask for a trial date, and likely continue to work behind the scenes to agree on terms that prevent the trial.

One thing's for sure: Galanter, who also reps Mueller, has worked some serious wizardry to orchestrate such a deal for Charlie if this comes to fruition.


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